Baptism tells a story of being rescued from sin by Jesus through faith in His death and resurrection. Being baptized does not save you. Placing your faith in Jesus alone saves you. Baptism is a picture of what God has already done in the heart of a believer. A outward sign of a inward cleansing. When someone is baptized, that person shares a brief testimony so that other believers might hear of God’s grace, rejoice in His saving work and worship Him together. I had had a wonderful opportunity to get to know many families and children here at my DTS at Youth With a Mission in Kona, Hawaii. Children and adults who love Jesus. Sunday one young boy named Louie made a decision for life. He gave his heart to Jesus here in Hawaii and wanted to be baptized. We celebrated this special moment on Sunday and what a joy it is to celebrate water baptism with believers, who have decided to follow Jesus for the rest of their life and publicly declare it to the world.