Who’s It For?

Who Is This Course For?




While fifteen of the classes are specifically for those involved in children’s ministry, two thirds of the sessions are issues that both children’s ministers and Christian parents needs to know in the spiritual climate we find ourselves in today. Most moms and dads were never actually spiritually “discipled” in their homes by their parents, even if the families were born again. In most cases, spiritual parenting translated into taking their kids to church on Sunday and maybe vacation Bible School or kids camp in the summer. So new generations tend to parent their children the way they were parented. And if statistics are any indication, this just isn’t working anymore.

Likewise, children’s ministers keep doing what they do with kids because it’s what has been modeled before them, and frequently it results in using just the latest, greatest product touted in a children’s ministry magazine or grabbing the flashiest looking boxes or books in a Christian retail store. We don’t realize that Sunday School as we know it today is a two-hundred year old wine-skin that has served it’s purpose. God is doing a new thing today. We must find what the Spirit of God is saying to this generation!

This course will rock your world as it relates to what it takes to raise spiritual champions in your churches and homes!

“As a parent, the SSCM training equipped me to take my kids from head knowledge only, to a heart relationship with the Father. If you are at a loss and need help to get your kids moving in the deeper things of God, this course is a must!” ~Torry N.

“I cannot tell you how much this course radically changed my ministry to children!”     ~Stephanie L.

“I am learning more from this course than I have in five years of children’s ministry. I feel more equipped and I know I am on the right track!”     ~Sandra M.

Purchase the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry by click here.

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