PowerClubs are unique because they have been designed specifically for Pentecostal and Charismatic churches because of the emphasis on the Holy Spirit. With this emphasis comes a deliberate attempt to train children to walk in the supernatural power of God. This includes hearing and obeying God’s voice, being filled with the baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing the sick, prayer and intercession, worship, evangelism, and operating in signs, wonders, and miracles through to gifts of the Spirit. We do this through the implementations of our three core values, our pattern of children’s ministry based on the Old Testament Tabernacle, and teachings from the KIMI Curriculums .
The Core Values of official PowerClubs are:
The Tabernacle Pattern of Children’s Ministry
PowerClubs are conducted weekly and follow a simple but effective pattern which we call the Tabernacle Pattern of Children’s Ministry in conducting a full children’s worship service as opposed to a Sunday School format.
Our primary goal in every service is to take children into the presence of God. We do this by using the pattern of the Old Testament Tabernacle of the Outer Court, Inner Court, and Holy of Holies. We take the children from the Outer Court, where they are physically active through games and music, to the Inner Court, where their minds are engaged through the teaching of the Word, then into the Holy of Holies, where the Holy Spirit can minister to their hearts and spirits. This unique pattern makes a powerful combination of activities that ministers to each child’s spirit, soul, and body.
Every meeting has a strong emphasis on giving the children an opportunity to be grounded in strong biblical teaching and then encountering the presence of God in various ways at some point in the service.
Every lesson gives children the deeper truths of the scriptures. This is done through the use of curriculums published by Kids in Ministry International. Every child is taught to hear the voice of God, heal the sick, become prayer warriors and intercessors, share their faith and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. In short, they are activated into the believers’ ministries as described in Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, and Acts 2:16-17.