PowerClubs are the outreach arm of Kids in Ministry International. Specifically they are local children’s ministries in a wide variety of communities around the world. They are started and conducted by individuals (ordinary moms and dads, children’s ministers, and other adults who love kids) who desire to see children wholly devoted to God. This includes seeing them evangelized, filled with the Holy Spirit, grounded in the word of God, operating in the gifts of the Spirit, learning to hear God’s voice and be led by His Spirit, and becoming active, functioning members in the body of Christ while they are still children.
Though some are a part of local churches, most PowerClubs are held in backyards, neutral locations, schools, slums, ghettos, and homes. While some of the leaders are experienced children’s ministers, many others have never worked with children before, but have caught the vision of taking children further into the things of the Spirit. In many places starting an official PowerClub outside a local church is in essence “planting a church of children” because it is likely the only church many of these children will ever have the privilege of going to.
As of January 2013, there were almost 2,000 PowerClubs ministering to over 35,000 boys and girls in 18 nations in 6 continents. Is God calling you to raise up a supernatural generation through a PowerClub? To read more about the impact of our PowerClubs around the world, click here .